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Steam Summer Camp: Deals From Day 5

Day Five brings yet another bucketful of goodies stuff.

Here’s another one from Steam Summer Camp’s Sale. While I can’t figure out for the life of me why the site is not working as nice as it should (it looks like they’re still updating it for today), and it seems as if all the deals aren’t up yet, I’ll be posting now because I’ve been waiting for forever to see if today’s deals are finalized or not.


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Steam Summer Camp Day 4

We bring to you our take on the latest offerings on Steam’s Summer Camp.

Now it’s really starting to look as if Steam’s trying to lasso all the kids just out on vacation into one massive group of kiddies stuck to their monitors. What this can do to the global waist size average, we don’t want to think about. Anyways, without further rambling, just like we promised, here’s the latest on sale at the Summer Camp.

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