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Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: The Breaking Review

Breaking News: Nothing but respect for bitComposer Games’ take on flying. Salut!

We’ve managed to get hold of the game early, and here’s the review. A day before the game is released. We were planning on posting this yesterday but there was some problem with our Printscreen, so we had to fish out our digital camera and take photos of the screen. We apologize for the low-quality ‘screenshots’. =P

In the beginning...

It’s World War 2, and you, as Dorothy Derbec, aka DeeDee, are stuck smack in the middle of it. Things are getting too hot for you to live your opportunist life, which consisted of liquor ad smuggling liquor, and more liquor. All of your friends and acquaintances share the same affinity for intoxication. But now, you are drawn into the war, even though you did not consider it yours. You are drawn in because of your past, and your own secret war: the story of your vanished father that you never knew. Legend has it that he was the man they could not kill, and he,  Read the rest of this entry

Operation Flashpoint: Red River – The Review

A class apart from the Call of Duty series, this one’s for those wanting something different.

It’s 2013, and you, as part of Outlaw-2-Bravo of the United States Marine Corps, are heading into Tajikistan to trace down and wipe out an insurgent group. The group, by the name of ETIM, has mortared a US forward base, and you are out to eliminate the threat. However, China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) also moves into the area for the same purpose, and fire is exchanged in a case of mistaken identity. The flashpoint erupts. Now you must get out alive. Read the rest of this entry

Google+ Impressions

We try our hands on Google’s latest foray into the social networking realm.

The Google Plus home screen.

Google Plus, or Google+ if you will, is the newest attempt by Google to break into the huge social networking world. Here, we take you on a tour of the system at the core of Google’s assault on Facebook. One thing that it has going for it is that Google Plus is not Facebook. Another is that it presents a fun, unique user interface for an awesome experience. On that front, the top navigation bar is really neat, with network activity that is unobtrusive yet notifying at the same time. Read the rest of this entry

Dragon Age 2 Review

Following in the footsteps of Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2 is also set in the same world that reportedly took BioWare eight years to create. And what a world! Playing DA: O for the first time, one is time and again impressed at the incredible depth of the lore of Dragon Age, which keeps players up until the wee hours of the morning reading the entire gathered codex that provides insight into the world. In DA: O, one can feel oneself immersed fully in the game, the hallmark of any good RPG. The player begins to feel a sense of belonging not only with the main character and his companions, but also with the world around the main character. So much so, that it often takes many minutes of careful deliberation to decide on an action to take at any point in the game, and once taken, this reviewer made a mental note of taking the other decision the next time he played through the game (that’s a given, he’s hooked). Read the rest of this entry