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Dragon Age 2 Review

Following in the footsteps of Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2 is also set in the same world that reportedly took BioWare eight years to create. And what a world! Playing DA: O for the first time, one is time and again impressed at the incredible depth of the lore of Dragon Age, which keeps players up until the wee hours of the morning reading the entire gathered codex that provides insight into the world. In DA: O, one can feel oneself immersed fully in the game, the hallmark of any good RPG. The player begins to feel a sense of belonging not only with the main character and his companions, but also with the world around the main character. So much so, that it often takes many minutes of careful deliberation to decide on an action to take at any point in the game, and once taken, this reviewer made a mental note of taking the other decision the next time he played through the game (that’s a given, he’s hooked). Read the rest of this entry