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Steam Summer Camp: Last Day


Today is the last day for you to grab some swag from the Steam sale, and happily they’ve brought back all the best deals from the previous days! Heres the screenshot of the goodies.

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Facebook Now Worth $70 Billion

Facebook’s market value is 70.3 billion US dollars based on a recent investment.

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerburg

Investment firm GSV Capital has purchased 225,000 Facebook shares at a price of $29.28 per share. Considering that Facebook currently has 2.4 billion outstanding shares, you can do the math and find out that it adds up to $70.27 billion. Pretty impressive. We believe that people, tending to hype things up and speculate at everything under the sun, are the source of the exaggerated $100 billion valuations, although at its current growth rate Facebook shouldn’t take long to reach the $100 billion mark. Read the rest of this entry